Apr 30, 2018
This week on Question Period, we're talking about breast pain and tenderness, known as cyclic mastalgia.
This episode of Heavy Flow is supported by Diva Cup, a sustainable, easy-to-use, cost-effective and eco-friendly menstrual cup.
Apr 26, 2018
This week I'm talking to Amanda Hearn, co-founder of PutACupInIt.com. We get into everything you've ever wanted to know about menstrual cups and more, answer some listener questions and bust some menstrual cup myths.
This episode of Heavy Flow is supported by Diva Cup, a sustainable, easy-to-use, cost-effective and...
Apr 23, 2018
This week on Question Period, how to use a seed cycling protocol to balance your hormones, relieve PMS, reduce painful periods, regulate or shorten your cycle.
Download the Heavy Flow Guide to Seed Cycling.
This episode of Heavy Flow is supported by Diva Cup, a sustainable, easy-to-use, cost-effective and eco-friendly...
Apr 5, 2018
Melissa Ramos, the founder of Sexy Food Therapy, joins me to talk about why digestion is key to hormonal health, nutritional guidelines for healthy hormones and answers the age-old question: what’s the deal with period poops?
Apr 2, 2018
Lindsay Forsey, the founder of Tenth Moon, joins me to discuss how long it really takes to recover from childbirth - physically, emotionally and spiritually.